Monday 4 July 2011

Is email going to die?

I know this is really quite far fetched but I think we need to look at the growing population of social network users and also the increasing features available on these platforms. With many of them you have private messaging features and I know that Facebook allows you to add attachments as well. I've also seen that many websites are allowing users to sign up with their Twitter or Facebook and this is growing.

Email is like your key to the internet you can use it to sign in to the vast number of websites on offer some which will send you discounts on your favourite stuff! but every time we visit our inbox many of the unfortunate ones need to delete a load of emails we don't want. This is time consuming and frustrating that when you get to the ones you want it's like finding a needle in a haystack. If your a daily deal subscriber you can get some cool stuff or your teeth whitened for cheap :)

On the other hand, this isn't very likely anytime soon because many websites would need to find a new way for them to stay in contact with their users and have them sign up. Also sometimes its good to keep your email for work and then personal social platforms for keeping in touch with friends & family - not saying people don't mix them. However we all know about Google+ having a circles feature which allows you to separate groups and change the visibility they have on your profile.

Tell us what you think?

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