Monday 18 July 2011

Food to Graze in the office! - (Online Food Delivery)

If your lucky enough to eat at your desk (maybe not?) you probably snack on a pack of biscuits through out the day. I recently decided this needs to change and came across a company which delivers natural foods to the office whether its at home or in an office block, they deliver "nationwide in the UK" to "any address that can receive post". So I thought you might be interested and we are SnakSocial!

Started by 7 friends in 2008 they now send out over 130,000 boxes a with a price of £3.49. They deliver from Monday to Saturday and you can choose the day/s you which suit you.The snacks will come in a box which has four punnets with a variety of different natural food choices -They deliver olives, flapjacks, nuts, dried fruits and many more.

If your going on holiday, that's fine let them know to skip some deliveries. If you don't like something they won't send it again, if you like something they'l send it more often. The great thing is your able to get a variety each time your box arrives. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Let us know what you think...

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