Monday 4 July 2011

Growth in Enterprise

Their are a rising number of young people starting businesses since the Internet has been around and its cheaper to get started. I know that it is widely reported when a young person makes a success of their business but I have noticed that their are problems with the education sector and socially. We are improving with courses such as National Enterprise Academy but their is still a strong push for grades, work still needs doing.

Firstly the education sector, especially the one's I been with are really focused on grades that will get them a Job or into next level education and the league tables. Secondly the social expectations from parents and family pride putting pressure on the younger generation to find work, however work has dried up over the last few years( I won't bang on about the recession).

What changes need to happen? Change the league tables in to a long term goal for education to monitor students post education making sure that they are either choosing to stay in education or the student is in work (including running a business). This will show show a fundamental change in allowing education to prove its worth for the student and their future. In a nutshell a league table which works for both those who wish to continue their education and those who wish to work. Then I think we will start to see education provide better facilities for growing students to work or run a business.

Tell me what you think...

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